While working on set the other day, I visited craft service to grab a muffin. Standing behind me were two crew members, a male and a female, who were also grabbing a muffin. The man remarked to the woman, “I like the tops” to which she replied, “yeah me too.” On the tip of my tongue was a harmless but off-colour joke. Do I say it? Do I stay silent? In the time it took for my brain to have this conversation – the moment passed and I opted to stay silent. Mere months ago, a joke like this would have been a no-brainer and likely would have been met with a few laughs. But I stopped myself. Instead, we just continued our pleasant conversation about work, Netflix and kids.
The atmosphere has changed since the Harvey Weinstein allegation news broke in October 2017. Even for the most innocuous of us. There is an awareness now that had never previously existed for some of us. An ever-present editor. How will this person receive my joke? I, like so many people, was blown away by the amount of #metoo’s I saw in my Twitter feed that fall. I was one of the lucky few who had no reason to post that hashtag. In my blissful ignorance, I was completely unaware of what so many had endured.